Avtron Power Solutions Digital Binder

Avtron 6000 SERIES Load Banks

Avtron 6000 SERIES load banks offer inductive, capacitive, or combined resistive/inductive load for testing power supplies at non-unity power factor. Featuring rugged, heavy-duty, welded monocoque construction, 6000 SERIES load banks are designed for continuous use and are built to withstand varying climatic conditions. Models from 100 to 2000kVA are available in a wide range of voltages. Standard SIGMA controls can control multiple load banks to achieve larger test capacities or provide variable power factor testing. 6000 SERIES load banks are suited for mission-critical, data center, equipment rental, generator service and maintenance, factory testing, and renewable energy applications.

Product Knowledge

Load Bank Overview Brochure

Application of Resistive/Reactive Load Banks for kVA Testing

Inductive Only or Capacitive Only Options Combined Resistive/In ductive Options

Monocoque Construction

Capacities from 100 to 2000kVA

Model 6112 Load Bank

Best-in-Class SIGMA Controls

Inductive, capacitive, and resistive-reactive loads for precise and accurate testing at non-unity power factors.


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